Did Democrats destroy America’s borders because they are compassionate or to promote an agenda of one-party dictatorship in America?


Every policy the Democrats push is about trying to turn America into a one party dictatorship. The illegals serve their evil agenda in 3 ways.

1) They are counted for census purposes even though they are here illegally. That means that they are counted FOR REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS. That means that the districts where these illegals hide out get extra votes in Congress in spite of the fact that these people are law breakers who are here ILLEGALLY. THAT is why these disgusting anti-American sections of the country want to be "sanctuary cities." The more millions of illegals they encourage to come to these places the more votes the far left gets in Congress. (then they have the nerve to say that Trump threatens the “democracy” as all the while they are systematically dismantling it themselves) There is an entire extra district in California created by the invasion of illegals. The real name for these places should be MARXIST DICTATOR cities. This is an OUTRAGE that EVERY real American should demand an end to.

2) They know that if they encourage them to break our laws and come here illegally and then ply them with free stuff that you are paying for, from cell phones, to boarding in luxury hotels, to free education, to free healthcare and on and on and on they can buy their votes and they will vote for Democrats (either illegally now or eventually when they give them “amnesty.”)

3) Part of their Marxist playbook is to create chaos and destabilize the borders, language, culture, family unit and economy of America so they can cause a catastrophe and use that as an excuse to force you to live as they demand. What better way to do it than to import poverty, millions of people who do not want to learn English or assimilate into American culture and are either too unskilled or uninterested in contributing to our economy and spend our tax money to support them with welfare until we are broke?

Surge of migrants rush border after Biden lifts COVID-19 border restrictions -
Surge of migrants rush border after Biden lifts COVID-19 border restrictions -
Did Democrats destroy America’s borders because they are compassionate or to promote an agenda of one-party dictatorship in America?
4 Opinion