Why shouldn't we bring back crucifixion as a method of execution for violent convicts?

Before you come to me and say "because we're a civilized society", remind yourself that the world doesn't operate based on fairness or true equality or all that lofty stuff you were told as a kid by playing only by the rules. What I am saying is that I have no problem with people brutally crucified if they do heinous crimes such as a man hurting a child, hurting an animal, and my biggest one abusing, bullying or hurting someone with aspergers/autism. I have aspergers and I've been bullied as a kid and didn't have many friends growing up and I see people still treating autistic people with malice and cruelty just because some of us don't subscribe to stupid social morres that I find don't make sense.

If I was a king or dictator, I'd have anyone convicted of hurting or brutalized or murder a vulnerable autistic person with public crucifixion, and I'd make it more painful and agonizing then what Jesus christ went through. When a dog bites a child we put it down, when a grown man hurts a kid, prisoners rape him or kill him, but when an autistic person is abused or brutalized people laugh and it's disgusting and it makes western society look like philister garbage people with no morals or ethics.

Why shouldn't we bring back crucifixion as a method of execution for violent convicts?
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