Should wasting someone's market value be punished by law?

The market value for us is fertility and youth. A man making her wait eternally for that proposal with fake "one day" promises, keeping her for his selfish needs is destroying her value and lowering her dating pool, ruining her life. Now that woman will likely not trust another man.

The market value for men is having resources and stability to be able to provide. An evil golddigger that takes away his assets in court is destroying his market value, ruining his life and his dating pool is ruined. Plus she's doing a disservice for the rest of us.

I believe someone (man or women) should be punished by law for destroying someone's market value. I find those people despicable. What do you think?

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10 mo
Destroying a woman's fertile years is the equivalent of taking away a man's entire lifetime savings and leaving him homeless and penniless, destroying the dating pool.
Should wasting someone's market value be punished by law?
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