Your thoughts on Trans "activist" claiming women don't own periods or womanhood?


What is a biological woman?
Biological women have two X chromosomes and are capable of pregnancy and giving birth from puberty until menopause. Female anatomy, as distinguished from male anatomy, includes the fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, vulva, Skene's glands, and Bartholin's glands.

My thoughts good, bad or indifferent-

Having people in my life from all walks of life, I believe live and let live however you want until you spue misinformation and out right stupidity about woman you tagged me in. Transwoman is a transwoman, stop trying to compete and or pretend with your designer vagina and boob implants you know what a biological woman goes through or have been through. You are just a pretender to the throne. Me, as a woman- born a woman dealing with her period this very moment- I say take several seats, even Caitlyn Jenner knows her place. You cannot push woman out of something they own and are biologically.

I own it, I live it, when men in dresses can bleed monthly, have cramps to the point of fainting, deal with ovarian cysts, PCOS, ovarian cyst rupture, ovarian cancer, menopause, endometriosis, the physical and emotional trauma of still birth or miscarriage etc then you have a say- until then sit down and stop trying to change what already is. We biological woman own periods and womanhood. Transwoman taking over woman sports, now want to take periods which they don't have nor even remotely understand and womanhood? That has nothing to do with "transphobia" or being "transphobic" it has to do with science, biology, and truth. Transphobia/phobic is thrown around way to much in the wrong context by a mirid of morons including hollyweirdos and with no understanding of what it actually is. While others these days throw transphobia/phobic out there to use as leverage as a bully tactic, if you don't side with some of their insane thoughts and people agree to pacify these so called Transactivists.

9 mo
definition of OWN: used with a possessive to emphasize that someone or something belonging to oneself or relates to the person or thing mentioned:

the definition of own

and for those inquiring about a period fully
Your thoughts on Trans "activist" claiming women don't own periods or womanhood?
52 Opinion