Am I the only conservative who is pissed off that Trump is dominating the primaries given there is horrifying chance he could lose to Biden?


A few points here:

  • I voted for Trump both in 2016 and in 2020. I was never gung ho about his personality but (correctly) believed his overall policy was best for the USA. He didn’t disappoint either especially considering how good the economy performed.
  • I also voted for Trump to spite leftists. Not my original reason but I made my decision after I saw how they behaved by just hearing his very name. They took things to a whole another level when they started going around yelling, labeling, screaming, bullying and discriminating against anyone who voted for Trump.
  • I did face palm after face palm with all of Trump’s stupid tweets and unnecessarily remarks. Just because you speak your mind doesn’t make you “good” and always right.
  • Like most Americans I was burned and am still suffering under Biden’s beyond incompetent handling of the economy and inflation. His policy DID directly contribute to this crisis. He crippled domestic oil production, pass through bills with trillions of unnecessary spending for bs most Americans don’t need nor can afford. I initially supported the Ukraine war effort but it has dragged and dragged on costing taxpayers more and more. Biden has no exit strategy nor has given concrete reasons about America gets in return for helping the Ukraine. I am also not an anti vaxxer YET the forced vaccinations both horrified and scared me about what how our government is controlling its citizens.
  • I think Trump is criminality culpable in some (but not all) of the recent indictments (notably Florida). BUT Obama, HRC and Biden all have skeletons in their closet that are criminally indictable. I have sympathy for what’s happened to Trump (and I do believe it was a coordinated attack) yet I care more if he’s electable in 2024.

But what I don’t get is how irrationally loyal and frankly blind/stupid republicans are being right now with backing him in the primaries.

What matters more to you? Defending Trump because you are “loyal” or winning the 2024 election?

Am I the only conservative who is pissed off that Trump is dominating the primaries given there is horrifying chance he could lose to Biden?
10 Opinion