Who do you blame for the rapid moral decline in Western civilization especially America and why?


Some people blame the left/liberals because they tend to coddle criminals instead of punishing them with harsher prison sentences.

Others blame feminism, while others blame single moms, others blame fatherless homes, others blame weak male leadership, others blame lack of personal responsibility, others blame the education system which is indoctrinating young minds with woke ideologies and others blame lack of religious beliefs.

And others blame the right/conservatives because they fight hard through political will power to keep wages low for certain jobs they don't think adults should work thus creates massive poverty in certain communities which brings about various crimes and lack of opportunities for the underprivileged etc.

Who do you blame for the rapid moral decline in Western civilization especially America and why?
8 mo
My personal opinion is that America and Western civilization has shifted hard away from religious beliefs in particular Christianity which was part of the foundation of all those countries thus America in particular has lost its identity and it seriously doesn't help not being a homogeneous society which weaknesses national identity quicker.
Who do you blame for the rapid moral decline in Western civilization especially America and why?
29 Opinion