1,609 scientists declare climate change a myth. So why are the Democrats forcing America to commit economic suicide and taking your money and freedom?


Remember when the Democrats were demanding us to “follow the science?” Well 1,609 of the best scientists, including Nobel Prize laureates just signed a declaration saying that the “climate change emergency” is a myth.

Meanwhile, they are forcing America, the cleanest, least polluting major country in the world to commit economic suicide with these phony energy sources that can’t even supply a fraction of America’s energy needs and vehicles that cost Americans a fortune and require batteries and other parts that require materials that communist China controls the worldwide production of.

Meanwhile communist China and India, the two biggest polluters of the planet by far, laugh at Americans and how stupid we are to commit suicide over something that doesn’t even exist while they move full speed ahead building fossil fuel power plants at an increasing rate to bury America economically and eventually dominate and destroy us altogether.

Can you imagine the US military storming the beaches of Normandy in World War II to liberate the Europeans from the Nazis, landing their amphibious crafts on the beach but not being able to find an outlet to charge them? This whole climate change hoax is an attack on the interests of the free world to allow dictators to control us. And the American Democrats are on the enemy’s side.

This is the biggest hoax in American history. It is nothing more than a corrupt government, trying to scare you into giving up your money and your freedom so these Democrats can make a dirty fortune from the companies who sell the climate change hoax.


More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth

1,609 scientists declare climate change a myth. So why are the Democrats forcing America to commit economic suicide and taking your money and freedom?
1,609 scientists declare climate change a myth. So why are the Democrats forcing America to commit economic suicide and taking your money and freedom?
1,609 scientists declare climate change a myth. So why are the Democrats forcing America to commit economic suicide and taking your money and freedom?
23 Opinion