Was there 2020 Election fraud?

Was there 2020 Election fraud?

Many in this forum dismiss claims if fraud during the 2020 US Election by saying There Is No Evidence. It makes me think of the drunk who drops his keys on the street beside his car but looks for them under the street light across the street because the light was better. If you ignore or refuse to seek the truth, you can make up your own and be done with it, but it will eventually have its way with you. So here is a short attention span list of questions that will likely be addressed in any of Trump's 1,431 upcoming trials.

*More votes cast and counted than there were registered voters in certain key districts. Was there a possibility of fraud there?
*Ballot-stuffing in drop boxes caught on camera during the wee hours of the night. Many of these ballots were identical and unfolded. Was there a possibility of fraud there?
*Late ballots coming in in a statistically impossible 90+% manner for Joe Biden. Was there a possibility of fraud there?
*Republican poll observers were kicked out and then an overwhelmingly high proportion of votes suddenly materialized for Joe. Was there a possibility of fraud there?
*Mail-in voting procedures were widely implemented because of "COVID concerns," but there were no verifiable chain-of-custody procedures in place and no mechanism to confirm voter signature authenticity. Was there a possibility of fraud there?
*Voting machines proven to be connected to the internet, despite vehement protests to the contrary. Was there a possibility of fraud there?
*Joe Biden allegedly got 81,283,098 popular votes in 2020. Barack Obama got 65,915,795 popular votes in 2012. How did Biden, without campaigning, get 15,367,303 more votes than Obama? Was there a possibility of fraud there?

Even this short attention span post should raise questions.
Maybe the USA had become so dumbed-down that we no longer care.

Was there 2020 Election fraud?
Post Opinion