I was listening to a military expert this morning, and he believes that there's a 90% chance that Joey will get us into a full on war with Russia?

Were Trump's mean Tweets really all that bad?

Establishment politicians like Joey do whatever the shadow government tells them to do. Anyone with a brain knows that Joey isn't the real president. The shadow government LOVES war, because it's a big money maker for the military industrial complex. And as long as it's not YOUR arms and legs getting blown off, it's awesome!

The left says that the right are warmongers. That's not true. The shadow government is the warmonger, and all they need to make it happen is a brainless puppet.

I was listening to a military expert this morning, and he believes that theres a 90% chance that Joey will get us into a full on war with Russia?

I will never understand why you leftists chose the brain-dead sociopath over Tulsi.

I was listening to a military expert this morning, and he believes that there's a 90% chance that Joey will get us into a full on war with Russia?
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