Why can't people from up North just admit that we won the Civil War?


Let's look at the facts. John Wilkes Booth was not some random guy who sympathized with the South. He was a Confederate Secret Service agent. After he shot Abe Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, a Democrat from North Carolina took office. We also assassinated the Secretary of War.

Johnson vetoed everything the Republican congress sent his way. Meanwhile, in the South, we were busy exploiting a loophole in the 13th amendment that gave no protection to criminals. We also took over the media to ensure that the public viewed blacks as criminals.

All we had to do was make it basically illegal for blacks to integrate into society, in order to keep slavery legal. In addition, we Confederate soldier monuments and Confederate flags everywhere, to reinforce the fact that we were victorious to both ourselves and the slaves.

Black people were enslaved up until the 1960s.

So, in summary we confused the enemy, killed their leader, took over the Nation, won without fighting, and kept slavery legal for 100 more years.

Why can't people from up North just admit that we won the Civil War?
4 Opinion