Am I being hidden in the relationship and is it OK?

She is an active user of instagram, been together a couple of months but to be honest we have been dating and know each other for ages and I mean ages. She has said it's because it's new and everyone else she knows doesn't post about their new relationship for months and I mean months.

She said it's partly because of that, which in my mind I see it as being irrelevant, unless I'm going crazy that feels to me that people who can't/argue and don't want to post pictures is because they aren't sure that the relationship is stable enough or sure about the relationship/still having doubts...

The other reason was that while posting wouldn't upset her family or her friends from up north, even though they know about me that and she has said we are together she can't as it's rude not to speak about me in person first before posting one... for me I don't see anything wrong with posting one if they already know about me and can't see any reason why this is an issue...

Bassically been told unless I'm misunderstanding it that the relationship is too new all of a sudden but it doesn't mean anything. That others don't post photos till a good good few months and it's nothing to do with them being unsure and that she can't post a picture as it's rude not to speak to her family/friends in person first even if they already know about me... which feels like she is hiding me and just doesn't want to admit it

She constantly asks if we are going to break up, needs reassurance and a while ago we had a small argument over her not wanting to let friends know we were together, she wasn't happy to use the word boyfriend, I mean posting a picture seems that much a deal she is willing to argue about it, wants to forget about it and just move on, feels like I'm still hurt slightly and she is ignoring it
Am I being hidden in the relationship and is it OK?
1 Opinion