Should white people be able to use the "n word" now that it's endearment rather than derogatory?

Now that it's for affection, and it lost the negative connotation, I think whites should be able to use it in the right connotation. It's not a racist opinion I have, just the semantics and connotations. If blacks still found this term as an absolute offensive, it was a different story, like with "kike". "Kike" for example, is still a derogatory term for jews, and jews don't call themselves that way, they see it in an absolute negative connotation.

in my opinion, calling everyone you don't agree with "nazi", is far worse. People don't understand the meaning of it and what this party did in Germany.

I would like to know your opinion on this controversial topic. Just please do it nicely.

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Should white people be able to use the "n word" now that it's endearment rather than derogatory?
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