Is future of society towards HVM marrying multiple women?


So following facts. Most women find the vast majority of men physically unattractive. There aren't enough attractive men for women to want financially and/or physically. High value men HVM) are rare these days. And we know these men will always have options with a harem of 15-20 women on rotation; with girls rotating in and out.

NYC man marries 9 women
NYC man marries 9 women

Thus, given women's hypergamy is not restricted and women tend to date the same group of guys, it leads one to wonder what happens when these women want to settle down and the average guy is not befitting of a partner for her. The only answer would be to accept being one of multiple wives for a highly, successful man and being ok knowing that he is also sleeping with other women (wives that are married to him).

Man marries 10 women
Man marries 10 women

Male explains he has 3 GFs and multiple side hoes on the side he sleeps with but doesn't take seriously.

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Is future of society towards HVM marrying multiple women?
4 Opinion