Parents still baby their adult 20 year old adult children. Why?


Yesterday one of my estranged aunt called me to complain about why did I insulted her 22 year old baby. She's in her early 60s so I try to be as respectful as possible. My aunt has told my cousin she is a super star special and how she is only going to do great things. She still in college taking her basics can't decide yet what to major she wants all because she was telling me how she wants a career where she can be popular she wants people to know who she is and wants everyone to like her. I told her not everyone is going to like you she will have to work with people at jobs she will not agree with people taht depending politics or religion. Popularity does not matter in adult world. That is just how life is. I was just surprise herself as ab adult she went on calling her mom. Myself growing up my mom would tell me going to the park isn't a right its a privilege. If I dare disrespecteda teacher or a babysitter the belt woul be waiting for me. My aunt went all Karen mode on me by telling me how dare I disrespected her little princess that I should be praising and throwing flowers at her daughter. Now a days adults children get baby to much.

Parents still baby their adult 20 year old adult children. Why?
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