What conspiracy theories do you think have merit?


I personally used to believe a lot of crazy things. One of those things was that the Sandy Hook shooting was fake and the children were "crisis actors". I'm from CT and I remember the day it happened we had to lock down my school. Despite this, and the fact that my grandmother knew people who were effected by it, years later I would fall down a conspiracy rabbit hole.

A progressive staffer for bernie sanders' campaign who I now realize was mentally ill, got me interested in these conspiracies. Because of her position in the sanders campaign, I believed every word she said and I trusted her because she agreed with me on politics. She even almost convinced me that the California wild fires of 2016 were caused by the Jewish space lasers that MTG believes exist.

Thankfully, I found skeptics and intellectuals on youtube (and I also went to college and writing papers taught me how to find quality evidence) who promote critical thinking and prioritize formulating an opinion based on objective facts, and data. This standard is what our entire justice system rests on.

If you were falsely accused of a crime, say fire bombing an orphanage for disabled children, wouldn't you want the jury to consider the actual evidence that vindicates you, rather than the crazy conspiracy the prosecutor designed to appeal to the biases of the jury?

Our biases are strong enough to prevent us from changing our minds, even in the face of contrary evidence. Having our biases affirmed can make us feel good. This feeling can be addicting. The feeling of finding out things that the rest of the world doesn't know is amazing. It makes you feel enlightened and intelligent. That's why it's so dangerous to fall for conspiracy theories. They can make us do irrational things.

I found a website that allows people to experience the pov of a skeptic. This isn't sponsored or anything, I just know how life changing skepticism has been for me and want to share that with others. go to theconspiracytest

What conspiracy theories do you think have merit?
1 Opinion