Since most countries which have dictators, and the person who is running to be back in the white house says he wants to be one will the below change?

Since most countries which have dictators, and the person who is running to be back in the white house says he wants to be one will the below change?

The NEW Pledge of Allegiance
I Pledge of Allegiance to Donald Trump
And to those Republics, Controlled by Trump
Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for Trump

God Bless Donald Trump
God Bless Donald Trump
Guy whom we love
Stand beside him, and with him, from all the attacks from the left
From CNN, to MSNBC, the HuffPo. All that Fake News

God Bless Donald Trump
Guy we love
God Bless Donald Trump
He Made America Great Again...
NOT a SPAM QUESTION. Just an educational question to see what would happen and what would change when it does happen in 2025

Since most countries which have dictators, and the person who is running to be back in the white house says he wants to be one will the below change?
Since most countries which have dictators, and the person who is running to be back in the white house says he wants to be one will the below change?
Post Opinion