Are there any good books about understanding the psychology of radical leftists?

I had a good friend two weeks ago (who is well trained in psychotherapy) explain to me that people who engage in far left woke politics are literally addicts. They are addicted to “a feeling” that their radical viewpoints and actions bring to them. They literally get some sort of brain chemical high from it.

So no amount of logic, facts, etc will ever get through to them. Even if these people know deep down that their viewpoints are making unhappy they still can’t get over “the feeling” it brings them. It’s a twisted feeling of altruism, projection and social prominence.

So instead of arguing with these people (which they actually invite) it’s best just to ignore them outright. Let them make decisions out of their addiction until they one day hit a rock bottom from their decisions. For many addicts a rock bottom brings upon a moment of clarity.

Also to be fair their are fringe right Q-Anon conservatives who are also addicts to “a feeling”. They have a lot less power and influence but they exist and I won’t associate with them. They get off at the feeling being an underdog. While they are underdogs given they have little power/influence it doesn’t make them “right” either.

Are there any good books about understanding the psychology of radical leftists?
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