Why do the most radical islamists always coming from Britain?

Sometimes I came across videos on the internet regarding islam and there is always some guy there preaching probably of pakistani or indian descent, living in Britain and speaking with a heavy British accent. Leaders of many islamic terror organizations I have seen for some reason also speaks English with British accent (?) Like al Baghdadi, founder of isis. I dont understand why would a dude from iraq speaks English with a British accent. This need some explanation.

The most radical and extreme islamist movements, sects and ideologies that muslim world suffers even to this day always has their roots on countries that was used to be a British colony and mostly emerged during the British colonial period (for example wahabism)...

I am Turkish, a Kemalist I am (Turkish Republicanism, nationalist and secular)

In my country historically when we were busy doing the kemalist revolution back in the day and overthrowing the ottoman monarchy biggest obstacle we had was also the British. Ottoman royal family after the kemalist revolution also moved into britain. Their descents still lives there to this day. aren't these guys supposed to be anti ottoman (?). When we kemalists were in power before erdogan, islamist politicians and authors etc. was always seeking refuge in Britain aswell. I dont know about other islamic countries but that was the case in mine.

I am not implementing anything, thats just the impression I have about British. I guess imperialism doesn't like it when people become enlightened.

Why do the most radical islamists always coming from Britain?
4 mo
My Muslim brothers and sisters , West doesn't want to westernise you , unlike what you assumes them to be. They want you to be sheeps praying 5 times a day using a language (arabic) that you dont even understand while they exploit your wealth. You can't break backbone of western imperialism by sticking to pre modernism, only way to defeat western imperialism is the science and progression...
Why do the most radical islamists always coming from Britain?
Post Opinion