International Asian day?

before you were born almost all actors and certainly those chosen as the stars were light skin.

then affirmative action started pushing blacks in, a black police cheif character etc. people like me didn't notice that pushing one minority trampled the others!

isn't a day for American Asian achievements a good ides to establish?

2, or a day for Asian achievements?

in film lethal weapon chose stars gibson and a minority but... which minority, the one complaining, the inclusion not real diversity.

i don't know films added diversity latino stars or Asian stars in the "diversity" goal? the Asian were most unappreciated for bigger achievement. even jackie chan films equal star but no diversity of including Asian star with other stars. bruce lee star but not diversity.

the evil of picking one minority needs to be done for the minority with bigger achievements and least included: American Asians.

to celebrate their achievements so people like me become aware?

International Asian day?
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