I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?

I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?
I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez said that it was the Republicans that wanted to defund the cops.

I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?
I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?

And Alexandria says that it's Republicans that refuse to secure the border...

I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?

I saw a guy on here that keeps saying that the reason the Republicans won't agree to shut the border, is because they want to make Biden look stupid in November.

I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?

Does Biden need any help looking stupid? Is that the Republican plan?

How does this plan work? So Biden proved he wants open borders.

Biden sued to be able to cut the razor wire.

Biden sued to get rid of the floating barriers on the Rio.

I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?

So Joey the clown is accusing the Republicans of giving Joey what he wants? And by giving Joey what he wants, this will make Joey look stupid?

I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?

Hey... Joey... pick up your magical pen and fix this TONIGHT. You screwed the border up on day one, and you can fix it TONIGHT!

I have good reason to believe there are parallel universes. Do you agree?
3 Opinion