Do you think Christian Nationalists should be called Nationalist Christians, or Nat-C's for short?

"Like, they're not going to end by taking away one right of women that has been constitutionally protected for 50 years. It goes from that to 10-year-old rape victims to IVF, and you watch, they're saying it, they're telling you, Thomas, JusticeThomas said it, they're coming for contraception next. They'll lie, but that's what their activists want to do.

"These radical, radical right-wing activists have infiltrated the Alabama Supreme Court. They will infiltrate another court, and you watch, Griswold v. Connecticut and the right for women to have contraception, that's coming down the road if this continues, if Donald Trump supporters have their way," Joe Scarborough predicted.

Do you think Christian Nationalists should be called Nationalist Christians, or Nat-C's for short?
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