If Veganism is so good for you, why is it that when a vegan tries meat for the first time in years they love it?


The following video is all the evidence that i need to prove veganism is horse shit. The looks on these guys faces is orgasmic. Plus when you see the before and after images of these people they go from looking like death warmed over to beautiful healthy human beings.

Plus those that support veganism. Bill gates comes to mind, also support the depopulation of the planet.

I personally do not care what you eat, as long as you dont force your beliefs on others... which is something that most vegans are incapable of doing.

Most of the vegans in this video talk about how changing back to meant products solved literally all of their health issues.

If Veganism is so good for you, why is it that when a vegan tries meat for the first time in years they love it?
7 Opinion