Peter Navarro Reporting for Jail time for obeying the real laws while Hunter is screwing prostitutes and using crack , why? ?


Yes , Navarro who was following protocol that everyone in President's cabinet since George Washington has done is going to prison for not testifying in front of Congress. He has a constitutional right not to testify while Joe Jr refused to testify before Congress and Democrats wanted to give him the medal of honor. Why is there one type of justice for the left and a different one for the right? Navarro would have had to give potential National Security information out if he testified. Not to mention putting people in harms way.

Jr Biden is a crackhead that likes to have sex with teen prostitutes. There were no National Security issues for him to testify. Not only did he not testify , he showed up in galley to be a smart ass and left when questions were asked to him. You must be sworn in to meet legal requirements by the by. Of course he is too stupid to know that.

We can't have a no prosecutions for the left and only prosecutions for the right system in America. A country divided with fall. People will ignore all the laws if this continues.

Peter Navarro Reporting for Jail time for obeying the real laws while Hunter is screwing prostitutes and using crack , why? ?
Crack head Joe Jr
Crack head Joe Jr


On his computer , Hunter is seen :

Paying Prostitutes for their services (illegal)

Shows himself having sex with underage teen prostitutes (illegal)

Buying drugs and using drugs (illegal)

Emails of him talking to Foreign Governments Heads making deals for money in behalf of of his Father (Big Guy) for favorable legislation and policies.

By the way I saw this on his computer. A site online showed this and someone sent me the link before it was taken down.

Not to mention he lied on a form to buy a firearm (felony) Where are the anti gun left at on this one?

Not to mention he filed false Tax Documents (felony)

We will have a civil war , you can see it happening
We need a complete overhaul of Justice System
The left dictates how US moves forward
The FBI , CIA, Justice Department are all part of the Democratic Party now.
A B C D are all true
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Peter Navarro Reporting for Jail time for obeying the real laws while Hunter is screwing prostitutes and using crack , why? ?
4 Opinion