Is TikTok a national security risk?

The US government says TikTok is a national security risk because the Chinese government can use it to spy on us.

How does knowing that I like watching pretty girls dance while I ride the bus threaten our security? (They collect viewing and location data and surely more.)

How exactly does someone use an app on a phone to spy?

Congressional Report (3 pages)

NY Times Analysis

Yeah, TikTok is spyware.
Nah, TikTok is no different than companies like Google or FaceBook.
I don't know, I don't use TikTok.
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15 d
What information does the app have that's a national security risk?

Does the Chinese government care that I watch cute girls dance? Will they flood the market with skimpy yoga shorts?

I just don't see anything that I'd call a "risk."
Is TikTok a national security risk?
Post Opinion