What do you think of me being ok with communicating with Trump supporters only if they don't like him as a person and as long as they aren't racist?

If the Trump supporter is a hateful piece of shit that blames illegals for nonsense, is ok with only white illegals, but not not non white ones, dislikes someone just because he or she is illegal instead of just the action, is racist towards any race, colorist, sexist, etc. wants undocumented people shot at the border, etc. than I am not communicating with them. If someone is against the illegal action of ANY RACE, dislikes Trump as a person (but just votes him in cause they rather have him), not a hateful person, etc. than I am ok with talking to this person. I am not a Trump supporter.

What do you think of me being ok with communicating with Trump supporters only if they don't like him as a person and as long as they aren't racist?
Post Opinion