Why do people like dubstep?

So I know a lot of guys and girls who really really like dubstep, and while I hate to admit it I just don't get it. I like the bass wobble and several of the other features in isolation but when they all come together they just sound like a bunch of sounds thrown together to me rather than music. Also, I don't really know how to dance to it. I don't know if it would be better when you're rolling or something but even so pretty much all music is good when on molly so I don't know what makes dubstep so special. Don't get me wrong...I'm not hating! If anything, I want to like it. I wikipedia'd it to try to understand it better, and I'm much better at defining dubstep now, but still I just feel like there's something I'm missing. I don't have much of a background in music in the sense that I don't play any instrument and I'm not familiar with any sort of musical theory. But I'm pretty open minded and can enjoy most genres. There are a lot of things that I feel like I didn't like until I really understood them (post-modern literature, for example) so I really do think I could enjoy dubstep if someone could explain it to me. Thanks!
Why do people like dubstep?
12 Opinion