Would this be a good message to write in a postcard to a girl?

In a few days, my family and I are leaving from Southern CA to spend some time in a distant ranch in Oregon for a family vacation. There's a girl in my city I really like and started hanging out with. I figured I'd send her a post card from Klamath Falls. I really want to keep making her happy.

"Dear Liz,

I may be on my way back home by the time you get this card, but I thought I'd send you a postcard for keepsake. I've been to this ranch deep in the woods near Chiloquin several times. Chiloquin is a small town right outside Klamath Falls. The scenery is amazing in the woods and not bad in Klamath Falls. I wouldn't want to live in Klamath Falls though, there are many close minded people in this city. When I come down here, I always look forward to visiting Crater Lake and horseback riding, both really great things that I never get to experience at home. I also know there'll be a lot of kicking back and relaxing with portable video games and music (might even listen to some Reel Big Fish and Sublime)

Also, I'm real sorry about your recent loss. Believe me, I felt heartbroken too =(.

I know you're a real tough cookie, but regardless, I'm always here for you Elizabeth

-Yours truly

Will Bothwell"

now a few details:

-First my family's stopping in Sacramento to spent a night at my cousin's house. Then we'll be in Klamath Falls the next day where I can get a post card, write it, and mail it. I want it mailed ASAP because I will be back home seven days after that and it'd be cool for her to get it before I'm home.

-She said she'd like to travel, maybe postcards would be cool

-Normally it's creepy to write letters, I know, but it's a POSTCARD! And I'm sure she has the sense to know that when I've been to her house a couple of times, I don't need to creep to have her address

-She likes ska music like Reel Big Fish and Sublime

-Last weekend she found her cat dead under a neighbor's car and that's what I mean by recent loss (it really was sad for me to just think if I found my cat dead after he was missing for a while under someone's car. I'm 20, a guy, and I'd probably ball)
Would this be a good message to write in a postcard to a girl?
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