Is it really that odd that I train in MMA but don't fight, and don't like UFC?

I've been training in MMA for two years now, but people give me a strange look when I tell them that I don't fight or like the UFC.

I got into martial arts by accident. My friend (a former cage fighter) was visiting after not seeing each other for years and he said he was back into MMA. I took interest, he brought me over to his gym (our buddy's garage with all the equipment we need) and the rest is history.

I don't fight because I just don't want to. Sure I've thought about doing some amateur local fights, but I'll NEVER go pro or join the UFC.

I don't like the UFC or any pro MMA company because I feel like they put martial arts in a bad light.

There's no more respect, no more sportsmanship, no more honor, none of that. Everyone wants to puff their chest, swing their dicks, and talk nothing but shit.

I train in martial arts to keep my mind clear and my body strong. I believe in martial art philosophy, that our gym is a sacred place where people bond and not only improve themselves but also their training partners. I also go to support my friend since brother killed himself earlier this year.

But it's hard to keep that philosophy when every young kid walks in and acts like a Conor McGregor wannabe. These piss me off the most because at least Conor McGregor has the hands to back up his shit talking, these guys just watch YouTube videos and rehearse unoriginal shit talking in front of the mirror thinking their just gonna walk in and beat everyone's ass and get a black belt in a year.

Don't get me wrong, I'll watch UFC every now and then (mostly to learn), but I hate what the UFC has done to the martial arts community.
Is it really that odd that I train in MMA but dont fight, and dont like UFC?
Not Odd
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Is it really that odd that I train in MMA but don't fight, and don't like UFC?
28 Opinion