2 mo

Which will Caitlin Clark do?

Which will Caitlin Clark do?

Her degree is Major Marketing and Minor Communication.

She said she wants operate a bakery someone day

She loves basketball and will play pro ball

She has a high Basketball IQ and I believe will try coaching. Her GPA is 3.6 currently.

She shoots high 70's and low 80's in golf , so she might try professional golf. They make more money than pro basketball players and you can play golf into your 70's

She could also be a Sports Broadcaster with her experience.

I also would not be shocked if she buys into a pro team or holds executive position.

Her opportunities are endless.

Most pro women play between 11 and 15 years with no injuries. So she would be 37 years old after 15 years in pros. Still time to Coach, play pro golf, or get into sport casting.

I think she is the greatest female basketball player ever.

Go pro and play for Indiana Fever WNBA
Stay one more year at IOWA
Open a bakery
Begin a career in LPGA
Become a Coach in College Basketball
Become a Sports announcer
All the above
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Which will Caitlin Clark do?
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