Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?

I skipped around lol but i only had 7 phones in life:
#1 My first phone at age 11 until my moms boyfriend stole it
Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
#2 My second phone like age 13. It was my moms bfs (in black) but i took it over when they broke up haha
Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
#3 My third phone at like age 15. I have so much music on this. That was my bae back then
Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
#4 My fourth phone at age 17. This was bae as well but the scrolly ball got stuck.
Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
#5 My fifth phone at age 19. This was bae but i dropped it and cracked the screen 😭
Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
#6 My sixth phone but my first iphone at like age 20. Yep, i betrayed android and got me an otterbox on my 5c.
Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
#7 Skipped a whole nother generation of iphones lmao. My current boo, jetblack, plum case, iphone 7 since age 21. I hope it lasts as long as possi, but i may return to android after this:
Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
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Share the evolution of your phone upgrades thoughout life?
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