Why do male gamers treat female gamers like trash?

I’ll leave some links to videos that are relevant to my question but it’s like male gamers love to gate keep games so much. It’s annoying asf, one time I was literally just playing vr chat with one of my other friends and these group of boys just made rape jokes about how they would rape us. It was super disturbing, who tf even makes jokes like that and this type of stuff isn’t even the worst that’s happened to me since I love play cod and cod lobbies are extremely toxic. On top of that it’s like a universal thing female gamers have to go threw.

Why is this, it’s like men think they own gaming or something. And they make fun if gamers girls if they’re “trash” when in reality why can’t they just enjoy a god damn game without the toxicity, it’s just a game and they take it so concerning.

I love gaming and me and my best friend (male; so they don’t really have to worry about this) want to start streaming soon for fun but I’m worried I’m going to have to go threw bs since I’m a poc female gamer. Does any other female gamers go threw the same thing, and do other male gamers know why this happen\gate keep games from women and why?


Why do male gamers treat female gamers like trash?
Why do male gamers treat female gamers like trash?
140 Opinion