—The only xboxes I owned was xbox 360/kinect and xbox One. I had to have Kinect for all my Dance Centrals and Black Eyed Peas Experience. I had to have Xbox in general for my Forza Horizon games. I shouldn't even be talking about xbox considering I haven't opened half the games i bought in the last few years (MLB, Forza, Riders Republic, etc).
—The last playstation I owned was a PS3 🤣 My mom bought it for her boyfriend like 2006/7 for Christmas and then he didn't act right so it became my gift instead lol. I happily sat it next to my skinny black PS2, my thick black PS2, and my sisters skinny gray PS2 😂 I dont really care for playstation games aside from GTA and N4S so i didn't want to buy ps4 or ps5. But now im thinking on it for the GTA Definitive Collection (I
wanna reminisce although i heard its glitchy), Spiderman, Saints Row, and Uncharted. Still, none are that important to me so I’d be okay never owning em. I’m just more into racing games #FeelFreeToList #GameReview
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