What all models of Xbox and Playstation do you own?

Gaming wasn't something i really cared much for after 2014. And After that, i prob played one or two months a year if even that. Also, i kept finding the latest Xboxes and PlayStations even more unattractive.
The only xboxes I owned was xbox 360/kinect and xbox One. I had to have Kinect for all my Dance Centrals and Black Eyed Peas Experience. I had to have Xbox in general for my Forza Horizon games. I shouldn't even be talking about xbox considering I haven't opened half the games i bought in the last few years (MLB, Forza, Riders Republic, etc).
—The last playstation I owned was a PS3 🤣 My mom bought it for her boyfriend like 2006/7 for Christmas and then he didn't act right so it became my gift instead lol. I happily sat it next to my skinny black PS2, my thick black PS2, and my sisters skinny gray PS2 😂 I dont really care for playstation games aside from GTA and N4S so i didn't want to buy ps4 or ps5. But now im thinking on it for the GTA Definitive Collection (I
wanna reminisce although i heard its glitchy), Spiderman, Saints Row, and Uncharted.
Still, none are that important to me so I’d be okay never owning em. I’m just more into racing games #FeelFreeToList #GameReview
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Is it worth buying the same model when the old one starts to glitch and shutdown/restart midgame. Remember how when the nintendo 64 got older, it started cuttin off midgame. I hated that shit. Then the ps2 did it and then the xbox 360/kinect and xbox one. I dont think ps3 ever did. But either way, i got sick of all those mfs. Would it be pointless to buy a new or refurbished Nintendo 64. Thats the only mario kart i cared for
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Yea i have like all the Nintendo stuff starting from gameboy advance. But i only ever really cared for the Nintendo DS lite. Everything else is blah. And i only played Mario Kart, Super Marios Bros, Pacman or Diddy Kong Racing on my nintendo games anyways. I mean Madagascar was cool on DS. I hate pool on Switch lite. Mario kart online on switch lite is fun but only during battlemode. I hate racing on switch lite. And its painful for the hands
What all models of Xbox and Playstation do you own?
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