How do you CLEAN the SCREEN on your electronics?

How do you CLEAN the SCREEN on your electronics?

Cleaning the screen on your PC, laptop, tablet or phone is something that should be done fairly often, especially when it's a touch screen (grease from finger tips). Since the screen is electrostatic, it attracts dust over time.

So, how do you clean it? And how often?

What chemicals do you use? Or maybe just water? What do you use to wipe it and dry it off?

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PSA - Use a non-abrasive cloth so you don't scratch the screen. Paper towel is the WORST thing to use.

4 mo
I have several bottles of hand sanitizer left over from the pandemic, and I use it to clean my screens. Since it's alcohol-based, it's a good cleaning agent. Just be sure to wipe it off completely, and don't rub too hard. I usually use a clean handkerchief for that.
How do you CLEAN the SCREEN on your electronics?
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