Arnold is really comfortable, Arnold put hand on little girl and no one care!

Below on the left we have a picture of the woman from the Terminator movies and the robot from the Terminator movies with 12yo Sweedish girl and Bannana Man on the far-right. I know exactly what Bannana Man is thinking he's thinking "Oh look how better we are riding around on our bikes that produce zero carbon emissions haha. We're so much better than these people that drive cars and fly planes!" *Calls taxi and orders a plane ticket back to Europe and eats another bannana

Arnolds thinking "Hey Greta meet my 27 year old daughter Christina! You two can be best friends and play dress up together as long as I can join in and as long as your dad isn't around! My best pal Leonardo he like climate too and he like dress up too and can help you give speech to the U.M!"

Arnold is really comfortable, Arnold put hand on little girl and no one care!
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