The National ATV Jamboree is hosted out of Fillmore Utah.
For those that do not know what an ATV Jamboree is, it is where hundreds of people (or more) get together with their SxS/ATVs. Have meals together, socialize and do group guided rides.
Organized riding, is popular for single or solo riders because if you have accidents or mechanical issues, you are not on your own they'll help you get back to town.
All GoPro recordings are hyper speed, cause lets face it. No one wants to watch a 2-4 hour ride up a mountain, nor do I want to edit those and upload that, they are also boring to watch.
Feel free to not watch them, I won't feel bad at all.
Day 1
A half-day ride, after registration and having them go over all the rules for safety and how things would work. Mostly don't start fires with your hot machines and keep the rubber side down, must have spark arrester, etc.
We rode to the Ice caves in the lava field then did a not so easy hike to the ice caves once we got as close as we could.
I never want to have to walk on that again, my ankles were extremely sore and I almost fell onto scorching hot lava rocks a few dozen times as it was close to a 100 degrees out there.
The ice caves was hidden, you come across a big hole in the ground and you climb down to get out of the heat and there is ice in there.
I can safely say, I will not be doing that hike again...but I can say I did it once.
Day 2
Went east into the Pahvant Mountains, this is where the rest of the weeks riding took place, various parts of this.
For this trip, we went up Chalk Creek Canyon.
A 20 mile ride to the top, with some really cool places, that I loved but those who are afraid of heights don't love as much as I do. Lots of switchbacks and curves with ledges that would be a pretty bad place to drive off and expect to live.
Had lunch up top and north at a lake, then returned the way we came. This was a 8 hour ride with the breaks.
Day 3
Went up Sand Rock ridge road, over the mountain and into Richfield Utah where we all had lunch, called the Mexican lunch run, as Mexican food was provided for us. We then returned the way we came.
Day 4
This one also went up Chalk Creed Road as it and the Sand Rock Ridge roads are the two ways to get up the mountain, but instead of heading north to the lake, we went east down the mountain and had lunch in a meadow, before returning.
How long do you think it would take you to walk out of here, if you broke down when riding solo?
Day 5
We chose to ride by ourselves and not on any guided rides as this isn't my first time in the area.
Went up Chalk Creek Road, then what is known as the Kanosh loop, west, then north and back. This was are longest ride, and a giant loop at close to a 100 miles but it was great, beautiful and fun.
That evening was also the mud bogs at the fair grounds and other contests, but was too tired to do them, just observed.
At events like this they also give away a lot of prizes.
As usual I didn't win anything, although I didn't really need a new gun either, that was being given away as the grand prize.
Over all, it was good to say I've done it, but I won't be doing it again.
By the end of the week, every muscle in my body was sore, what a great workout and I lost 8 pounds.
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