- +1 y
Lol yeah I have a few
We actually have a New York in Newcastle.
I used to live in Dallas (Scotland).
there is (Only Geordies could do this lol, although I imagine other places do as well) a global network of Newcastles.https://newcastlesoftheworld.com
I have been to quite a few and also if I’m wearing a Toon top (Newcastle United Soccer Top), I have people stop me and tell me they are from such and such a Newcastle.
The Makems can’t do this as only 3 places would admit to being called Sunderland, like who would want people to know they come from a shit town.12 Reply- +1 y
I'm not far from Newcastle Emlyn, nobody can understand them either
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Most Helpful Opinions
319 opinions shared on Travel topic. I don't think there are any places in Europe named Lakewood. LOL
Lakewood, CA, is a suburb in Los Angeles County. There is a ward in Madrid, Spain, called Los Angeles, but I've never been there.
I did visit a town in Iowa named Wexford, which is near where my ancestors settled when they immigrated to the U. S. in 1850. I've visited Wexford, Ireland, a couple of times and even went to the town and parish where my ancestors were originally from.10 Reply
My town is named after a Native American tribe. A few other states have a town with the same name, but I’m unaware of any countries outside of the US that have a town with the same or even similar name. We have “sister cities” in Ireland, Belgium, and Germany though.
10 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
The namesake of my town is a person.
The namesake of the city I live near, Los Angeles, is a person (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula). That person being Mary the mother of Jesus. She lives in heaven, allegedly. I haven't been to heaven. 😉10 Reply604 opinions shared on Travel topic. I passed through here in Newfoundland.
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.0565b43f1580042b413c43f96ab21451?rik=oPmM0oLIzNW%2bhg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fi.imgur.com%2frcxhQf6r.jpg&ehk=dbwTwXCCwOJeBVhWcibEXPpaKaOUb2hBtaIsJKgiL7Y%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=012 Reply1.4K opinions shared on Travel topic. No. Nova Scotia had lots of towns that have the same name as towns near where I live but there was no town with the same name as my hometown.
10 Reply- u+1 y
and Spain gave a whole LOT to all of Latin America...
10 Reply I visited the Spanish version of my city through google maps and youtube. I guess their version is better.
00 ReplyWell Virginia in the US has a city the same nane at my town but I've yet to visit it.
00 Reply- +1 y
Yes, but I think it's because my town's name is really common worldwide.
00 Reply - +1 y
I grew up in New York State. York England is a much classier place, rich in history.
00 Reply Just here in my county in the usa, we have london and glasgow next county has culloden
10 Reply2.8K opinions shared on Travel topic. No what other countries do you know that has the name Miami? Miami Florida is the greatest city in the world
00 ReplyI love in Montreal at the moment.. and yeah, mount royal is right there, lol
00 ReplyI'd love to visit Lansing in Michigan,,,
00 Reply
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