🧐 So what do all you think our crustacean cousin is doing on dry land do very far away from any considerable body of water?


I ran into this fellow traveler on my walk the morning after a flood. Little dude was just waking along on the side walk. It did stop a few times to hold up its pincer guns to show me what’s what to which I dutifully backed away to give it its proper respect/ space.

To your knowledge, What is this creature, and why is it on dry land. Do you think it can survive? I saw it take cover under sone enormous leaves…perhaps it is enough that the area was wet it doesn’t have to be a sea? I don’t know how far they can travel on lend it was a good several miles before there’s be a river.

🧐 So what do all you think our crustacean cousin is doing on dry land do very far away from any considerable body of water?
🧐 So what do all you think our crustacean cousin is doing on dry land do very far away from any considerable body of water?
🧐 So what do all you think our crustacean cousin is doing on dry land do very far away from any considerable body of water?
🧐 So what do all you think our crustacean cousin is doing on dry land do very far away from any considerable body of water?
🧐 So what do all you think our crustacean cousin is doing on dry land do very far away from any considerable body of water?
🧐 So what do all you think our crustacean cousin is doing on dry land do very far away from any considerable body of water?
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