5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

So, Pokémon Go has only been out for about a week, and it's already taken off by storm. In its first 24 hours of being available, it has become the number one app in the App Store on iOS devices and it super popular everywhere else. There's a chance you may have ran into a person or two playing this game.

I know what you're thinking: why is it so popular? You've been hearing about this app everywhere huh? Well, the answer is simple: It's Pokémon. Pokémon has been popular for more than a decade, and with the launch of this app, it's only become more popular among us. It was already popular, though, as the Pokémon franchise has an array of games for the Nintendo DS, and even has it's own anime that is beloved by adults and children alike. It has only become more common to see people enjoying the game with the release of the app.

This app is different though. Instead of the usual video game format, the app uses the gimmick of Augmented Reality, or AR, which allows Pokemon to exist in "real life" as you catch them. It uses your camera to allow this to happen, along with your phone's gyroscopic sensor. When you find a Pokemon you wanna catch, you have the option to use AR so the Pokemon appears to be present in real life. Then you get out a Poké ball and flick it to capture it.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

That's not all, as it also makes the app even more interactive because you have to move if you wanna catch them. Not just out of your seat though, but outside. The app uses your phone's GPS to pinpoint real-world locations to collect items. These locations, or Poké Stops, can be almost anything. It could be a grocery store, church, a landmark, or even a sign that can serve as a Poké Stop. Once Pokémon are trained, players take them to gyms to battle other Pokémon.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

I've been playing the game for a few days so far, and I've been absolutely addicted. While playing, I've learned a few things that you should probably know about the game before you get out there to catch 'em all!

Apart from the overloaded servers and buggy game play...But It's only been out for a week, so give it time!

1. You're getting exercise while catching 'em all

This game is much, much different than it's predecessors. Instead of just sitting around catching Pokémon in a virtual world, the world comes to life, and encourages you to get up and well...go. Ironic that this is coming from a game franchise that was previously chastised for encouraging laziness.

People are finally getting up and exploring the world around them, something that they never even thought of doing before. The reward of catching 'em all is enough to get people off their asses and work those muscles, all while it takes them to places they've never been to before. The obesity problem that the government was so worried about may just be reversing, as more and more children, with their Pokémon, are learning to be healthy while young.

I mean, after playing this for a few days, I can even see a difference in my stomach and leg muscles. Getting fit while being the very best. Who knew? Maybe my mom will be supportive finally when I get out, because at least I'll be exercising.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

2. Pokémon Go was originally just an April Fools joke.

Yes, that's right. You can thank a prank for this game that took America by storm. It actually began with Google's 2014 April Fools Prank, called Pokémon Challenge.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

A joke between Iwata, Tsunekazu Ishihara of The Pokémon Company and Tatsuo Nomura of Google Maps had lead them to make the prank about an augmented reality app that allowed you to catch the pocket monsters in real life. Sounds a lot like Pokémon Go, eh? No shock that Namura later became a project manager at Niantic a few years after.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

3. It can make you feel young again.

This isn't just some little kids' game, and actually, it's more popular with millenials and young adults. Why?

People in their late twenties and early thirties are downloading the app and smiling as they play it. This is because Pokémon is one of the longest running game franchises, and these people were children in the late 90's, when Pokémon had first came out in North America.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

Many remember running home from school and turning the television on to watch the protagonist, Ash Ketchum, with his Pikachu, travel across the Kanto region to discover every Pokémon there is. Never would we have dreamed that we would actually be doing this a decade or so later, and that's what's awesome about this game to so many young and old. We're the closest we've ever been to catching 'em all in real life!

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

Ahh, the nostalgia is heartwarming for many, including me.

4. Pokémon are everywhere, and you may look weird trying to catch them.

While out hunting for Pokémon, you may have noticed that they can pop up everywhere. No joke. They can be in your house, your bathtub, yard, or even at the club when you're out getting a drink because someone stole yo girl. They are literally everywhere you turn.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

The game also requires you to find pit stops, which are landmarks pinpointed by your phone's GPS. When you find one of these pit stops, or Poke Stops, you have to stop, and spin the picture to collect items from that location. Also, when you encounter a Pokémon you want to capture, you also have to stop, and throw Pokéballs at it. Most won't know what the hell you're doing so, yeahhh... But, you won't look so weird when a group of people are doing the same exact thing as you, like the scene in front of this Australian library. There isn't no shame when you're training your Pokémon with a group of people!

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

5. It can be a little dangerous, so play safe.

I get it, you just want to play a nice game of Pokémon. We all do, but you have to be aware that there are bad people out there who will use the game's popularity to their advantage, or that you may even come across things you don't even expect!

Like in Wyoming, player Shayla Wiggins discovered a body lying face down in a river while hunting for the pocket monsters! Who knew an app could lead people to uncovering crimes?

That's not the only incident of it's kind since the app's release date. A YouTube streamer called AlexRamiGaming had witnessed a murder and body dumping while he was hunting for Pokes in the middle of the night. After pulling into a parking lot to catch a Pokémon, Alex had seen a body drop, which had startled him and caused him to drive off. The murderer had seen him and began to chase him! He had dialed 911 after he realized this was happening, all while live on his stream!

Also, people have used the app's GPS feature to their advantage. In Missouri, four teens were arrested for allegedly taking advantage of Poké Stops to rob players at gunpoint. There's an item in the game called a Lure Module, which you can set up on Poké Stops in order to lure Pokémon to your exact location. There's a catch, however. While it lures Pokémon to you, it can also attract unsuspecting players trying to catch the creatures to that Poké Stop where the lure is set up. This is how the teens were able to do this and almost get away with it.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

A Lure Module looks like the picture below. If you are approaching an area where one is set up, stay aware so that this does not happen to you. You may find some really cool Pokémon near one but it isn't worth getting mugged.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

Meanwhile, police warn about playing near police stations, as goofing off around them could get you arrested.

And there's always the concern of not looking at what you're doing and you ending up running into a busy street as you scurry to catch a Pokémon. Always be aware of your surroundings while catching Pokémon, as the loading screen warns as you open the app.

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

Just be safe out there, please! I could go on and on about dangers, but don't worry so much and just have fun.

So there you have it, that's about all you need to know about Pokémon Go. Happy hunting, get out there and catch 'em all!

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!

Have you played it yet? If so, what's your favorite thing about the game so far? What have you learned from playing it? :)

#PokemonGo #GottaCatchEmAll #Pokemon

5 Things You Need to Know About Pokémon Go!
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