Presidential Race Almost Dead Even, But Guys Lean Toward Trump and Girls Want Clinton (GaG Poll Results)

Presidential Race Almost Dead Even, But Guys Lean Toward Trump and Girls Want Clinton (GaG Poll Results)

The presidential race is heating up as we're into the final hectic month before the elections.

And according to a recent poll held here on GaG, the race is down to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (no real surprise there, as candidates Johnson and Stein don't have a chance), and guess what?

It's almost dead even. A few interesting points to take away from this:

Third-Party Candidates are Dead in the Water...But They'd Have a Better Shot at GaG

Presidential Race Almost Dead Even, But Guys Lean Toward Trump and Girls Want Clinton (GaG Poll Results)

Despite a great myTake explaining why voting for a third-party candidate isn't wasting your vote, it's clear that people at this site - and across America - just aren't willing to do it, even if it means getting stuck with either Trump or Clinton.

That being said, it's kinda cool that a higher percentage of GaG users are willing to go third-party, as Johnson and Stein actually got a combined 21 percent of the votes.

Guys Still Favor Trump, Girls Mostly On Clinton's Side

Presidential Race Almost Dead Even, But Guys Lean Toward Trump and Girls Want Clinton (GaG Poll Results)

Not really shocking here. I do think it's interesting that the girls who are on Trump's side can be awfully vocal. The anti-Trumpers just dismiss the Republican candidate without saying much (besides something like, "he's just an egotistical pig"), but the pro-Trumpers tend to have a lot more to say. Those for Clinton can also be quite adamant but again, this is mostly among females.

Clinton's Health Coming Into Play...?

Trump has been earning some really nasty negative headlines lately (and well deserved, many say), but that hasn't seemed to sway the tide in favor of Clinton. And in reading the comments, it could be due to Clinton's questionable health situation. Many believe she's hiding something quite serious - those who know their history will recall that FDR actually had polio, though the majority of Americans had no idea at the time - and it could be something like Parkinson's.

Obviously, this would have a serious impact on anybody's ability to run a country. So perhaps this is factoring in...?

At any rate, keep contributing and remember, if you want to throw up a myTake about this increasingly hot topic, remember to put #Election2016 in the text somewhere! :)

Presidential Race Almost Dead Even, But Guys Lean Toward Trump and Girls Want Clinton (GaG Poll Results)
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