I Know Change Is Scary, but Please Stop Instilling Fear in People Now That Trump is President

I Know Change Is Scary, but Please Stop Instilling Fear in People Now That Trump is President

I understand change is a scary concept to people, just in general terms. So, I'm sure having a President elected who's a businessman and not a politician is probably scary for people. I'm sure they wonder how it's going to work out and if he'll ran it like a business and how that will work out for the rest of us. I can understand how scary that could be especially, after being use to a certain way after all this time.

I understand hearing what people said about him and making him out to be the devil, probably scares people too. I understand hearing all these things said about a person and seeing bits and pieces of clips of things he said himself ( which could have been taking out of context, simply to make him look bad. It is politics and people play dirty), probably scares people too. People seem to think he's a racist, woman hating, sexual deviant, homophobic hater. Which, is scary to people. However, who people make you out to be and who you are behind close doors and no one is around to witness it, is two different things. We're flawed, Trump is no exception to that rule but that doesn't mean just because he made some comments, that he actually hates all those people. You really don't know that, do you? I do get though that hearing all that stuff about him has made people fearful, that's understood.

With all that in mind, just because no one expected him to win and everybody is freaked out that he did. Does not mean they get to go on social media and put the fear of God in people like Ted Bundy rose from the dead is taking over Trumps body and going to kill us all in our sleep. There's no need for that.

I Know Change Is Scary, but Please Stop Instilling Fear in People Now That Trump is President

There's no need for dramatic statements from celebrities or regular people, such as "Kiss your loved ones and hug them tight. # never stop fighting" or, "We will never back down, we will never go away. We will always fight. Love will keep us strong". I swear, people weren't this dramatic when 9/11 happened and that would have been a reason to make those statements, not Trump being President.

There's people who didn't want Obama has President but got 8yrs of him and sure they were upset but I don't remember them being this dramatic and acting like the end was near. The President is one guy who has to get his ideas approved by a whole bunch of people and if no one likes it, it's not getting past. So, where's the fire? Why are people spreading fear all over instead of just waiting to see what happens when he actually takes office?

I'm writing this as a person with an anxiety disorder, who's already riddled with fear and anxiety and doesn't need anymore. I already fear everything and everyone, that's no joke. I'm scared of everything. So, the more fear people put out in the universe, the worse it is for me and people like me.

I have a trip coming up in just 14 days and I already have fears and anxiety about it because of who I am. I've talk to people that traveled and it's calmed me down a bit and now I see all these things people are saying and people protesting his win and people who supported him showing up at a gay persons house wanting to kill him. People saying no wants to leave their home because they're scared. Yeah, well now I'm more fearful now too because of all this fear people are putting out there.

I Know Change Is Scary, but Please Stop Instilling Fear in People Now That Trump is President

So, I'm advising people to please stop with the dramatics. Please stop with the fear. Please stop scaring people and making it seem like the military is going to break into our house and kill us all, like they did back in history.

There's no need for that. Like I said, change is scary. I understand that better than anyone. However, sometimes change can be a good thing and if one way wasn't working anymore, maybe a new approach will make things better. Until you know, why panic?

Please stop the fear and over the top social media posts and just wait to see what happens, please?

Thank you,


I Know Change Is Scary, but Please Stop Instilling Fear in People Now That Trump is President
26 Opinion