3-0 Trump loses 9th Circuit of Appeals Bid on Ban

3-0 Trump loses 9th Circuit of Appeals Bid on Ban

Hats really should be off for Bob Ferguson, Washington's AG for masterminding this action. Reaching out to tech companies harmed by the Executive Order and having those companies immediately and aggressively rally around it really gave the courts the backing they needed.

The fake news journalists, who have been reporting on the Supreme Court for decades and know it well, today weighed in with reasonable doubt that the court will want to hear the case in the current political environment.

The reference a few reasons but the main one being that the ban is limited to 90 days so what's the point. But also the president's negative public remarks on 'so-called judge' isn't something they'll be excited to have extended to them. The Supreme Court doesn't want to rule on this.

But assuming they are forced to it is very likely to be a 4-4 vote at best which would leave the order not in force.

3-0 Trump loses 9th Circuit of Appeals Bid on Ban
Post Opinion