Covid-19: Not an evil plot. A rebuttle to another mytake


Is Covid-19 part of an evil plot?

Was it created or genetically altered in a lab?

Is it a bio weapon?

Is there a cure, offered only to Putin and Trump and other world leaders and powerful people?
Is this some other form of more spiritual evil?


Look, conspiracies are sometimes right, and we know that all sorts of powerful people keep lies from us, and are up to shady things... but sometimes real life is boring, the answers are easy to understand, and we don't want to accept them because we want it to be something bigger. Something more. Maybe because the answer seems to trivial. Maybe because we crave the excitement or the shakeup that comes with a more wild answer.

But honestly?

Occum's razor: the simplest solution is usually the correct one.

What are the simple facts that are known, that people want to deny for one reason or another, but are vastly more realalistic than any conspiracy, address all the issues, and make this all easier to understand?

Where did it originate?
In the wild, in bats. Viruses are natural things, and some are harmless to people, some are in areas with little human contact, and some mutate to cross into people. But this is a natural virus.

What role did China play?
China had this is a lab, because bio-research labs study virus samples all the time. As China is rising as a super power, it is in their interest to challenge other super powers. Thus, they have highly stepped up things like bio research. When the virus got out, they blamed wet markets, because it is a plausible culprit. The issue is, while the wet market was just a few hundred feet from the lab, the bats with this virus live over 1,000 miles away, and no bats were sold in that market.

Why has China lied about the lab, if they weren't violating international law in their study of the virus?
The Chinese lab was, according to intelligence information, cutting corners and had very lax safety regulations. Information indicates that a virus spreading out from the lab was a matter of when, not if. Simply, because China lacks the same regulations and oversight that the US or Europe might impose, they can operate cheaper, and some times even get results faster, but they do so at huge risk of things going wrong.

Why did China hold back information, from their own people and the international community?
China is a communist dictatorship. The government has ultimate power, and control of information. This prevents the populace from learning about how things are different or better elsewhere, so when the government says "we are the best in all things, and the strongest," their people believe them. Information that tells the public that the government made mistakes are covered up, because that knowledge weakens them in the public image, and when a brutal dictatorship is weakened, even slightly, it can cause people to use that as a reason to push back.
This applies to international secrecy, also. Public image and bluster can be played to your own people as propaganda to show proof of your power on the world stage, while betting on other nations not to call your bluff. The hope is that, either other nations lack the intel (thanks to things like the WHO spreading your lies), and economic leverage you hope you hold (such as China threatening Australia to not go along with a call for investigation, else they'd disallow travel to and from China, especially chinese tourists, which is a lot of money).

Why did the WHO cover for China?
China is the second largest single fund provider to the WHO, which allows for some control. Now, the US does provide significantly more funds, but year after year, China has increased it's influence. The current head of the WHO has a strong political connection with the Tigray People's Liberation Front, a militant marxist/Leninist group. The Chinese supported him, as he is politically aligned with their beliefs. When it came time to get WHO help in covering up their mistake and spreading lies, he was an ally politically, and has a history of, at least allegedly, covering up cholera epidemics, in his own country. Keep in mind, this is a man who is a devout communist, and NOT a medical doctor of any kind.

Why is there no vaccine?
Vaccines take a lot of time to make, and for some viruses, are, to date, impossible to make. There are countless viruses with no vaccine of any kind. And the covid-19 virus is new enough, so far as human exposure goes, that there is no reason anyone would have made a vaccine yet, and unrelated enough to existing viruses that existing vaccines would not allow the body to make the antibodies needed to fight it. Vaccines can take a lot of time to develop, and if there is no reason to develop one (as there was no such reason for covid-19 until recently), the time, money and resources to make one simply are not there. There is ample reason to believe a vaccine will soon be put into trials, but the idea that one already exists relies entirely on the idea that this disease was released intentionally, because if it emerged as an accident, there is no reason for a vaccine to already exist.

The simple fact is?
There is no evil plot here... save that of the Chinese communist party's attempt to avoid looking weak, and the WHO abandoning their duties to instead serve as a propaganda arm.

Yes, this came out of a lab. But it wasn't made in a lab, or genetically altered in a lab. And it wasn't let out on purpose.
It spread because an authoritarian dictatorship tried to cover it up to avoid looking weak, at home and abroad, not because it was a bio weapon.
We will have treatments available, and a vaccine in the near future, but this stuff takes time, even with significant funding and relaxed testing rules.

Covid-19: Not an evil plot. A rebuttle to another mytake
Covid-19: Not an evil plot. A rebuttle to another mytake
4 Opinion