Is it just a coincidence that Putin is most interested in Ukraine's Dumbass Region?

Is it just a coincidence that Putin is most interested in Ukraines Dumbass Region?
Is it just a coincidence that Putin is most interested in Ukraines Dumbass Region?
We all know that the "poorly educated" love Donald Trump and that he loves them. Is it the same for Putin people? Trump and Putin are birds of a feather. So is this why Vlad says he is now focusing mainly on Ukraine's Dumbass Region? Is this the ONLY region in that HUGE country that can actually tolerate the murderous monster? VOTE!
Don't be ridiculous. It is just a coincidence.
Not a coincidence. Obviously the region most sympathetic to Putin would be chock-full of dumbasses.
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Is it just a coincidence that Putin is most interested in Ukraine's Dumbass Region?
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