What do you think of prop 30 in ca USA will help do if passed article included?

What do you think of prop 30 in ca USA will help do if passed article included?
What do you think of prop 30 in ca USA will help do if passed article included?
Get more people who are poor eltric vehicles
Help tax millionaires proper
Help forest fighters make enough money to live better
Make eltric cars get more mileage
Cut down on gas consumption
Create more charging stations
Help kids with asthma breath better
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Feel free to comment Anoyamously girls and guys this topic shows how the governor of ca is trying to make people vote wrong an keep forest fighters from making good wages they only get minimum wage to do a job that's more deadly than being a cop
What do you think of prop 30 in ca USA will help do if passed article included?
7 Opinion