Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

I did something with this last year but I wanted to try again with hopefully all new points.

1. Love can come from unexpected places

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown
Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

Not saying that girls will find a costumed character or beagle :) but you really never know where love can come from or from who. Someone at work, just walking through a theme park, just walking down the street... You might go looking for love but sometimes it can find you.

2. Its ok to try

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

You might after many years of waiting give up... but at anytime of your life its ok to try to look for love. You can be vulnerable every once in a while. Give it shot. It might end up for nothing but sometimes it feels good to know you tried.

3. It's ok to hope

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

I think its nice to be a hopefully romantic. It has its tough times but overall it give you hope and keeps you moving. It's painful at times but I'd argue that it's more healthy to hope than not at all.

4. Cards can be nice. But they not needed either

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown
Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

It can be a fun idea to send family or friends cards. It is also nice to get them but it is not the end of the world If you don't. But Charlie brown would be happy if you got them from hallmark if you did :)

5. It's ok to seek help with love

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown
Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

This is one of the reasons girls ask guys is here and there is no shame in it. We all need a little help sometimes and can sometimes get by with a little help from our friends.

6. Show the person you love that you care

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

If you are with someone that you care about don't hesitate to show them how much they mean to you.

7. Be gracious enough to yourself to accept support from your friends

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown
Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

At the end of day, you have to be kind to yourself and be willing to let others speak that over you and into you.

8. When all else fails, do the things that make you happy with those around you

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown

Love does not have to be romantic and it's a simple love that you can have with those around you that can be healing and important.

Another Look at Love with Charlie Brown
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