What Love ❤️ Means To Me (Sailing Souls) ⛵️

I saw the GaG contest for Valentine’s asking users what love meant to them, and though I wanted to share. I didn’t want any chance of winning or the appearance I was competing only. So I made a take and decided to upload some meaningful old pics and cherish this post for time gone by.

[Q]: What does love mean to me?

  • It means spending your time with someone because you want to
  • It means staying around long enough to learn new things with someone and learn new things about them
  • It means finding someone you want to be gentle with. Someone you can be frightened with. Someone you can try to be brave with, and someone you can be 100% honest with. About every thought, concern, fear and desire.

Sometimes love IS nonverbal. It’s a display of support. An act of kindness. An expression of intimacy and appreciation. A model of thoughtfulness. A peace offering. Even with those who may not fully understand us or those who get us perfectly, love is always being by our side- when we’re not busy out on quests, fighting inner demons, and growing into new versions of ourselves.

For those who don’t know what we do- they just love to be by us, to play to laugh, to smile, to hug and hold. To truly have someone with you in this world.

For those who do know us so well, it’s all of those things and more. Like sailors ⛵️sharing stories of the different seas they sailed 🏝️ and the different places they went. 🗺️ Of every kind of danger and every kind of sorrow and every kind of wasteland 🏜️ where there was no hope and we felt most alone, lost, or clueless.

In romantic love, we’re like the sailors. Two souls 🌄 from different points of time, 🌅 different parts of the galaxy, from different lifetimes meeting each other, and see each other instead of any other star. 💫

  • Love is a friendliness, a warm welcome that never ends. Open arms that never close. A listening ear that never stops. A thoughtful mind that never forgets. Ever.

  • A warm heart that never grows cold. A burning passion that never fades. A living soul that never grows tired.

  • Love chooses us every moment. 🏆

  • Love wants to see us happy healthy, and thriving and never hurt.

  • Love will take a bullet for us and sacrifice hours of sleep just to stay with us as long as possible.

When someone loves you and you love them. You’ll never forget each other. Being loved by someone else means you were alive and remembered. There’s proof and a witness that you existed on this planet. When you leave an impression. You leave your mark on their heart forever.

I learned of the ‘listening and supportive’ love from my mom, the ‘learning love’ from my sister, and the ‘intimate and consistent love’ from my husband.

She’s (mom) always been there for my defining moments, and she (sister) was someone I learned to laugh, be myself with, and defend my personality with/against, he’s (husband) someone I can rest with and see new things with 🌎 and learn from.
All the animals, pets, nature I encounter are ones I can also learn from and enjoy. Their beauty is unforgettable in my sights as well. ❤️

The love I had from and with myself was the defensive kind. The one that let me express myself for hours and let me cry my rawest emotions, and has seen every moment I’ve ever been in. She’s the one who congratulates the progress I’ve made and the internal and external empires I’ve built. The path(s) I’ve paved. 🛣️

When nonverbal. Love is the five senses 👁️ 👃 👄 🖐️ 👂 and it’s a balance of selflessness and selfishness. Wanting to touch, hug, hold, and be with someone. Be their one and only. ☝️ Be the one they need and call for. It’s also the type that wants them to be happy and make their own choices, and yet the selfish hope that they choose you too.

It’s the five senses because when you are speechless and at a lost for words.. In its simplest form, it will always be a sheltered hug, 🫂 a gentle kiss, 💋 a strong hand to hold, 🤝🤲 a familiar scent 🌸 🐚☔️🍊 and smile, and a freeing laugh that frees something inside of ourselves too. ✨

My Third Birthday with my sister
My Third Birthday with my sister
Me and the G.O.A.T 🐐 lol (Animal sanctuary)
Me and the G.O.A.T 🐐 lol (Animal sanctuary)
My dearest momma
My dearest momma
Me learning how to love 😆
Me learning how to love 😆
Version of me that was new to dating and lucky to be in love
Version of me that was new to dating and lucky to be in love
My baby
My baby

I love my baby forever and always and always and forever for infinity and beyond and beyond and infinity 🥹🥲 I hope I will never let him down and grateful I didn’t give up on love entirely.

What Love ❤️ Means To Me (Sailing Souls) ⛵️
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