Can a girl ask a boy to be her valentine?
It's a common question that arises every February - can a girl ask a boy to be her valentine? There are a few schools of thought on this matter. Some people believe that it's totally fine for a girl to ask a boy to be her valentine. After all, it's 2022 and we're all about equality, right? Wrong.
There are still plenty of people who believe that it's totally inappropriate for a girl to ask a boy to be her valentine. They believe that it's the boy's job to do the asking and that the girl should just sit back and wait.
So, who's right? Well, there's no definitive answer, but we can try to figure it out. Let's start by looking at the arguments for why a girl can ask a boy to be her valentine. First of all, it's 2022 and like we said, we're all about equality. If a boy can ask a girl to be his valentine, then a girl can ask a boy to be hers. Simple as that. Secondly, it takes the pressure off of the boy.
He may be too shy to ask you himself, but if you ask him, then he doesn't have to worry about rejection. And finally, it just makes sense. If you like someone and want to be their valentine, then why not just ask them?
Now, let's look at the arguments for why a girl shouldn't ask a boy to be her valentine. First of all, it's considered to be very forward and aggressive. In the past, it was always the boy's job to ask the girl because it was seen as a way of showing respect.
Secondly, it can be seen as desperate. If you're constantly asking people to be your valentine and they're always saying no, then you're going to look pretty desperate. And finally, it's just not how things are done. There's a certain way that things are supposed to be done and asking someone to be your valentine just isn't part of that.
So, there you have it. Can a girl ask a boy to be her valentine? There's no definitive answer, but hopefully, this has given you something to think about.00 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
It's 100% okay and encouraged for a girl to ask a boy out (sure beats sitting around waiting for him to maybe do it), but that doesn't mean it's "safe." Most anything in life worth having involves a little risk. He still might say no, but you should still be glad you took control and asked.
41 Reply
If you truly like him and care for him to take notice, it's going to bother and crush you more if you let the opportunity go. There's no rule that a girl isn't able to ask a guy out. Lots of guys nowadays find it rather refreshing for a girl to make the first move 🙂
00 Reply
- +1 y
Yes, asking is better than letting opportunity pass you by. Technically you can tell him you like him at any time but during Valentine's Day is sweet. There will always be a chance someone will turn you down but it's just as possible that someone won't. Take chances!
20 Reply
- Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
YES any girl can ask! but dont be nervous its ok! i mean even if he says no, at least you know right? its going to be ok if he says no! i promise... am i scaring u XD sorry
17 Reply- Asker+1 y
If he says no , can I consider flirting with woman.. just kidding haha
- Opinion Owner+1 y
LOL well good luck! u got this!
- Opinion Owner+1 y
@veer01 lol true! do what u want :)
- Opinion Owner+1 y
awwwww! that sucks! yeah! spend it with your friends! it could be a normal day if u want it to be
- +1 y
One questions for all the girls... Why do y'all wait for guys to take the 1st step huh? I mean why the guy should always ask 1st... Me for example, I was kinda shy in school n I missed out going out with great girls coz I didn't have the guts to go n speak up... I was otherwise quite popular being in the football team n quite good at studies n all but used to turn into a nervous wreck when it came to girls...
04 Reply- +1 y
I don’t support the idea that guys should make the first step in general, however, in this specific situation i think the guy should ask her out, because he’s older. She’s junior, so if she messes it up that will haunt her for the rest of the high school. Seriously, do you think it’s a good idea for a junior to ask a senior out?
- +1 y
Well not in this case but I was thinking out loud in a general situation.
- Asker+1 y
Shows us that you're really interested and I guess it's just tradition
- +1 y
I think the reason that some girls wait is because they have never been in a relationship. That is the case for me anyway. About a month ago, I told a guy I had a crush on him (hardest thing I have ever done in my life). It turns out now that he likes me back. I am still waiting to see where it goes, but I don't think girls should be as afraid to ask, even if you do get turned down.
This is the cutest thing that could happen. I don't get that gender restricted stuff anyways. The female gender has ematipated long time ago. I love when girls approach us too.
Unfortunately it wouldn't happen to me yet :(00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- u+1 y
Yes, but are you prepared if his answer is "no?"
15 Reply- Asker+1 y
That's the thing , I don't think I'm prepared to receive a no from him😅
- +1 y
Perhaps instead of asking him to be your Valentine, you should ask him if he wants to spend some time together sometime soon. If he says yes, ask if he is busy tomorrow. That may be an easier way to "slide" into it and it may be a bit easier on you if the answer is "no."
- Asker+1 y
I will certainly do so ! Thank you
- +1 y
Good luck, and please provide an update after you ask! :)
- +1 y
Thanks for the update. Do you think the problem was truly the short notice or was that merely a convenient excuse?
- +1 y
What is the wrong in that. Boys are struggling all their life to just ask her out on the valentines day. We know the struggle of confessing a love and we appreciate the most if a girl does that to me. It is completly safe to ask him for a valentine day out. at least he will get happy and if he says yes he will shower you with all the goodness in life. Because as i said, boys know the struggle
20 Reply You go girl! Its like most here say. We love it! It shows confidence etc. But also as people say, don't ask if you haven't considered rejection and is prepared to handle it. Its like they say in prison "if you can't handle the time, then don't do the crime". Think of it like a social contract.
Disclaimer: have not been in prison, but worked there one summer x) because mother is a warden and norwegian prisons is pretty harmless x)10 Reply- +1 y
Life is to short to worry about insignificant things, if it's what you want do it! If you're scared of rejection don't be, it's a risk you take in life. Worst thing that could happen is he'll he says no, and he's gone next year anyways. Win win
30 Reply Love is love, no matter what grade. But there is a problem. When he graduates into college you won't. And you will not see him ever again unless you go to the same college as him when you graduate as a senior.
00 ReplyI don't think you should if you aren't prepared for rejection. I think if a guy likes a girl he would go for her, is this the only way to get yourself noticed? If yes, then maybe go for it. but if you get rejected, it happens to everyone.
00 Reply- +1 y
Of course! I just wouldn't do it because it'd might make me look humiliating if my crush ends up shutting me down because we're "friends" lol. Just be prepared for his answer though! Good luck girlie 😉
02 Reply- +1 y
Nooo 😂
Yea of course. Guys like feeling desired just as much as women so by asking him you are showing a doubtless interest.
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This a joke? Women rally for equal rights, so I don't understand why is it public convention that men should allways be the ones that makes romantic gestures and moves. Doesn't makes sense nowadays.
02 Reply- +1 y
Shame on yous. 😂
Yes! Guys love that. It takes the pressure off them and they'll have more respect for you afterwards for having the conference to do it
10 Reply- +1 y
I just want to say please do if people can't read your mind they may be distracted by a lot in life and may just not even notice your feelings I have done that and I felt and still do feel really bad about it as this was a person who I really liked
00 Reply - +1 y
It's definitely OK. Glad to see a girl take the initiative.
20 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
the odds of a girl getting rejected are so unbelievably low that it seems like the girl asking or the guy getting asked have to be crazy for a straight or bi single guy to reject her at least for one date especially on valentines day. i mean as much as i hate valentines day, nobody wants to be alone for it. its likely he wants someone too so just do it.
00 Reply - +1 y
A girl can ask a boy anything she wants & if she really likes someone she shouldn’t be afraid to tell him.
00 Reply - +1 y
yes it's actually really good to do that, it shows him you're interested and a lot of guys think it's super cute when a girl does
00 Reply - +1 y
Go for it! I've asked two guys to be my Valentine in the past before. I might ask the guy I have a history with to be my Valentine again.
00 Reply - +1 y
If it's something you will think about constantly, regret, and obsess over, then DO IT.
10 Reply - +1 y
Yes, you can do the first move too but hope that he isn't a dick because some people don't understand that.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
Ofcourse. No one said that Valentine's day is for guys to make all the effort.
10 Reply - +1 y
If you can handle potential rejection well, I see go for it! Nothing wrong with that.
10 Reply Obviously. We're also entrusted to vote nowadays, I'm sure asking a guy out won't be frowned upon
00 ReplyEvery boyfriend and valentine I've had is because I asked the guy ;)
00 ReplyI say she's or guts, I like courage and determination in a girl
00 Reply- +1 y
I would have loved this at that age. I can only hope for the boy that he is smart enough how brave you are and is willing to to commit to you
00 Reply Yes, why not..
When it's happening it's look too romantic.. 😍😍😍20 Reply- +1 y
He said he’d rather spend Valentine’s Day with his best friend? lolol
00 Reply - +1 y
If I were a boy, I'd say 'uh, no thanks! but we could meet on the weekend.'
02 Reply- +1 y
So you just want booty calls, huh?
- +1 y
@motownplayer2000 you make no sense
- +1 y
There's nothing wrong with that, It's worth a try00 Reply - +1 y00 Reply
- +1 y
Go for it, have courage, you do it👍 go anonymous go, go anonymous go
10 Reply I've never heard of someone dying from it so I assume it's safe.
10 Reply- +1 y
Yes why make it you make the the first. If you want something you go get it don’t wait.
00 Reply I would advise against it. You comment and question indicated you are into him while likely he's not into you.
00 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
Absolutely! I would really like to see more of this. I would do it, but i don't have anybody that I want to Valentine's with.
00 Reply - +1 y
Lmao of course you can.
10 Reply - +1 y
Yeah guys love that, or I do anyway, makes it easier instead of playing the guessing game
10 Reply - +1 y
I dont see anything wrong with it. The worst he is going to say is no.
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
happens all the time in my school, nothing wrong with that.
00 Reply Why not? The problem is usually female does not want to risk.
00 Reply- +1 y
Heck yeah.. nothing sexier than a woman knowing what she wants and going for it...
00 Reply Traditionally , anyone may ask anyone , never been any different.
10 Replyyes of course. it's normal and it should be appreciated.
00 Reply- +1 y
Well thank you for asking, yes I will be your Valentine. :)
10 Reply - +1 y
Unless you're from a very conservative gender-roled family, of course you can.
10 Reply - +1 y
I dont see why not. Just make sure you are confident when you do.
00 Reply the odds of a girl getting rejected are astronomically low
05 Reply- +1 y
You'd be surprised
- +1 y
@SuperNovaRoyalty how so
- +1 y
i and other friends i know have been rejected... a lot
- +1 y
@SuperNovaRoyalty you're 14 year old girl how many guys have you even met at that point, maybe 100?
- +1 y
my age might be young but i know that girls can get rejected, probs just a bit more frequently than u thought
or maybe its just me getting rejected looool
- +1 y
Sure she can. There are no rules.
00 Reply - +1 y
I would be really flattered if some cute girl approached me wanting to be my Valentine.
Guys are soft and squishy and shy too :)10 Reply I dont see why not. Maybe be bold and admit your feelings on valentine, lets go.
10 Reply- Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
Just go for it cause if you dont ya might regret it
00 Reply If by safe you mean he's not going to reject you, no, it's not safe. If by safe you mean the chances of being raped, yes, you are safe.
01 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
No it's strictly forbidden. Feminists would go mental.
00 Reply - +1 y
i just wanted to say good luck and i hope it turned out to be just how you expected.
00 Reply Yes of course! Go for it!
00 Replyhell yes do what u want to do honey
how gives a fuck00 Reply- +1 y
Of course (if he's single)
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)+1 y
And we cannot talk about being smart because you are a girl
00 Reply - +1 y
Of course. You have a mouth don't you?
10 Reply Of course! Be confident and just be yourself :)
10 Reply- Show More (96)
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