Yes, I was busy all day.
And, while I was waiting for a bus to take me home, some little girl, about 11 years old, gave me a kind of present before she left the bus stop and said, "Happy Valentines Day!" I thanked her a retorted in kind. It was a little toy skateboard about 2" long.
Nope another Wednesday, looks like your day was though. Lucky guy to get to send such a beautiful girl flowers.
Side note i literally have a similar pink satin dress like this that I was gonna wear with a ballet arm sweater yesterday. My day was busy with my baby/dog/church.
My SO is out of town, so my dog and I had a nice long walk today.
I worked all day and thought my class last night. My wifectganked me for the valentine card.
Indeed!!! Nice Pix!!! xxoo
OMG, the daughter of Madame Maxime from Harry Potter looks so good here.
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're having a good one. Just slept all day. Now my brother and I are drinking beer and barbequing some of those little yellow potatoes and chicken kebabs marinated in Italian dressing
My wife loves orchids and lowes had a half off sale on them. She doesn’t like surprises so I showed her pics and she chose the ones she wanted. So I’d say it was successful 👍🙂
Didn't do anything on Valentine's Day, we are waiting till the weekend to get together.
we really aren't into doing much for the "Hallmark Holidays"
We exchanged cards and had a pretty normal day.
Happy Valentines day to you too savysav. We're having a good day, thanks for asking. I hope you're having a great day today too. You look great in your pink outfit
Eh, just stayed home all day with my cat. Played a new video game. Watched a movie. Started reading a new book in a series I like.
Damn you look tall, are my eyes playing or you tall?
Uneventful so far.
Thank you for sharing pics. Pretty flowers for a pretty girl.
Working made a few urgent sales then counting cash, drinking scotch and having a Montecristo
February the 14th was uneventful here.
Same ole thing I do everyday.
Yeah, traffic was ridiculous
Why are you sweating bacon grease
@Staximus why are you such a white knight
@Staximus you know. Most people on here who are white knighted. Usually are more annoyed by the white knights. Then the person who said something.
I'm not. She never treats people badly on here, why are you cutting her down? You have probably never had a girl that looked that good in your life, you miserable rat bastard. Or you did and she screwed you over. Either way, if you want to go crawl off into a hole and die somewhere, there's no reason to drag people down with you who don't deserve to wallow in your pathetic misery. Do yourself a favor. Tomorrow when you wake up, try to make it a good day instead of a bad one. Drag yourself out of your own personal hell and the sun will shine down upon your face again.
@Staximus she’s just a troll and you sure love making assumptions
@Staximus I mean. I don’t wish death on anyone. Maybe you see something in yourself you’re taking out on me. At least I don’t hope someone dies
@Staximus you also make assumptions about my love life. What does that have anything to do with it? Y’all love to jump all over irrelevant stuff.
Yes sorry. I read it. But I’m still not taking down my post
Spent the day with my man🥰
So you bought yourself flowers.
Not we were baby sitting
Me and my homies messed around 🤣
Happy Valentines Day
Worked today and date for 1 tonight
And a very happy valentines day to you
Yes I got lots done at work !!
not yet
Just work