5 ways to know when you are really over someone

Society teaches us that we have to fight for our relationships and that we are failures if we can't make it work. Occasionally, we work hard to keep something alive that died a long time ago. Not all relationships are built to last, and dragging them on usually causes more harm than good.

Here are 5 ways to know when you are over someone
5 ways to know when you are really over someone

1. You stop trying to resolve the fights

Fights happen in the even the best relationships, and when you resolve them in a healthy manner it can make your relationship stronger. But when you and your partner give up on resolving the fight and that anger and hurt continue, instead, to fester, it's usually a bad sign. Resolving fights usually means having good communication and compromising. When one person (or both of you) don't put that effort in anymore, it usually means you have given up on fighting for your relationship. If this is the case, take some time to decide if it's the fight you are sick of or the person.

2. You can see more bad in the person than good

When we first fall in love we are absolutely blind. Over time, our vision comes back and we see everything without the rose colored glasses. Usually we find many flaws in our partners, but we grow to love them enough to accept them for who they are. When we are mentally done with a relationship, we see less of the good in them and more of what turns us off. When we are over someone, it is almost like the exact opposite of the rose colored glasses, we instead see every flaw, every annoyance and we are repelled. This is usually a sign that the relationship has run it's course. Remember, when we first meet someone it's all fluff take time to get to know someone for who they really are instead of thr romantic notion of what we want them to be.

3. You lose respect for your mate

Respect is one of the most important aspects in a relationship. You cannot love someone you don't respect. It's usually very easy to tell if someone doesn't respect their partner; they yell at them in public, insult them and demean them... all unhealthy. Think about how you speak and see the person you claim to care about, if your actions don't add up, it may be time for your exit.

4. You seek outside love

Cheating is usually an easy sign that you are over your partner. But also, seeking attention from outside parties, even if you don't act on it, may be your way of dipping your toe in the singles pool. It's perfectly normal that over time, the grass looks greener on the other side, but when you start constantly fantasizing about being with someone else or you actually act on it, you are most likely no longer happy on your side of the fence.

5. You start caring less

When the little things don't bother you in your relationship anymore it's usually just fine. But it could be a sign, if something big happens (they cheat, or try and make you feel bad) and it rolls off your back. The same thought implies if your partner does something lovely and romantic for you and you don't seem to be moved at all. Passion is like a muscle, you have to use it to keep it strong, but deep down if you don't care it may mean that you have mentally moved on.

5 ways to know when you are really over someone
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