Asking a guy out: bad idea or not?

Office attraction. I think he is interested and I am too. He's tried to ask me out about 3 times and I have about twice. Each time we tried to ask each other out something got in the way like we were unavailable or I said something that made him decide not to ask me... e. g. last time he was about to ask me out to this concert and just before he did I said something silly like 'jazz is not really my cup of tea'. And it made him change his mind :( :( :( (I know I know)

So I bought these tickets to this concert that I really want to go see. I think he would be interested too. I was thinking of saying to him: "hey I've bought these tickets to see _______ and my friends aren't really keen on coming with me. Would you like to go with me?"

I want to make it seem more casual which is why I put in the 'friends aren't keen on it' thing. With all that's gone on it does seem like he doesn't want to be cornered into a date or something. I'm confused... as you can see! Any thoughts appreciated :)
Say "hey I've bought these tickets to see this concert and my friends aren't really keen on coming with me. Would you like to go with me?"
Don't ask him and just wait for him to make the next move.
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Asking a guy out: bad idea or not?
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